Welcome! Click course links to visit the site sponsoring the free Occupational therapy CME class. All courses are FREE & approved for AOTA contact hours required for OT license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

Improving Patient Mobility

Charting the Path Towards Independence for Occupational Therapists- Develop an appropriate mobility profile for their patients and analyze their mobility needs. Develop an intervention plan that will establish mobility options for patients and help patients maintain independence for as long as possible. Implement an intervention plan by guiding the patient through the mobility evaluation and purchasing process and teaching the patient to advocate for his or her own needs. Review intervention plans at given intervals to ensure that the patient is getting the proper equipment or services necessary to maintain mobility. Analyze a patient's overall outcomes as they relate to occupational performance, patient satisfaction, adaptation to their environment, and quality of life. Identify funding sources for adaptive equipment or services. Recognize the impact of contemporary trends and issues in the accessible transportation industry that impact their patients.
2.0 Free Contact Hours for Nurses
Expires 9/30/15