Welcome! Click course links to visit the site sponsoring the free Occupational therapy CME class. All courses are FREE & approved for AOTA contact hours required for OT license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

Working with Patients with Dimentia

How to Recognize and Describe Dementia- The goal of this program is to teach OTs how to recognize symptoms of differential diagnoses, understand the types of dementias, and understand the significance of using the global scales for staging the severity of dementia
State the symptoms associated with the general definition of dementia based on the DSM IV. List three similarities and three differences between differential diagnosis of dementia delirium and depression. Describe how knowing the type of dementia can direct your care plan, including two examples. State how global scales for staging dementia are efficacious to use in clinical practice.
1.0 Free Contact Hours for Occupational Therapists
Expires 6/21/12